Today’s yak shaving

So I wanted to catch up on Go. I like my IDEs, so I got my Go 1.19.2, my GoClipse 0.16.1, and off to remember how to ride this bicycle again. Or rather ride this yak, because…

I like IDEs mostly for two things: interactive, graphical debugging (for that see the P.S. section) and content assist. And we have a problem:
The solution seems to be to install a fork of gocode. Ok, I got content assist now. On to trying the next sine qua non of IDE, interactive debugger. Wait… There’s no GDB on M1? Yikes.

For debugger, sure, I could use LLDB, as suggested, or, even better, Delve, but I want it in the IDE (how many times do I have to say that, in 2022?) A few GUI frontends exist, but I am partial to Eclipse platform (I can be as picky with my tools as any tradesman).

Is it time to dust off Kabuta, an abandoned attempt to adapt Delve API to GDB/MI interface that GoClipse speaks? Ok why not, let’s go get that sucker… Done.

But how do I get it into GoClipse? A StackOverflow post suggests it is done via “New Project wizard”, but not so fast, Mr. Yak Jockey:
Ok, let’s hack around it but first let’s file an issue on GoClipse… Wait, say it ain’t so… GoClipse is no longer maintained? My world collapses. To Bruno’s point that:

I’ve seen the issues Eclipse has, both external (functionality, UI design, bugs), and internal (code debt, shortage of manpower). I was holding on to the hope it would recover, but now I don’t see much of a future for Eclipse other than a legacy existence, and I realize exiting was long overdue.

I just a few months ago got fed up with how much of a torture it is to step through the code in IDEA (and no waving of dead chickens seems to help) and went back to Eclipse for Java.
Do I fork GoClipse?
P.S. The workaround for the import is to use default ~/go as GOPATH. In other words, using /Users/gregory/src/ worked fine:

Content assist

It looks like you are researching razors. I think you are about to go off on a yak-shaving endeavor, and I cannot let you do that, Dave.

What I would really like my DWIM
agent to do. That, and to stop calling me Dave.

Being lazy and impatient, I like an idea of an IDE. The ease of things like autocompletion, refactoring, code search, and graphical debugging with evaluation are, for the lack of a better word, are good.

I like Eclipse in particular — force of habit/finger memory; after all, neurons that pray together stay together. Just like all happy families are alike, all emacs users remember the key sequence to GTFO vi (:q!) and all vi users remember the same thing for emacs (C-x C-c n) – so they can get into their favorite editor and not have to “remember”.

So, recently I thought that it would be good for a a particular DSL I am using to have an auto-completion feature (because why should I remember ). So I thought, great, I’ll maybe write an Eclipse plugin for that… Because, hey, I’ve made one before, how bad could it be?

Well, obviously I would only be solving the problem for Eclipse users of the DSL in question. And I have a suspicion I am pretty much the only one in that group. Moreover, even I would like to use some other text editor occasionally, and get the same benefit.

It seems obvious that it should be a separation of concerns, so to speak:

  • Provider-side: A language/platform may expose a service for context-based auto-completion, and
  • Consumer-side: An editor or shell may have a plugin system exposed to take advantage of this.

Then a little gluing is all that is required. (OK, I don’t like the “provider/consumer” terminology, but I cannot come up with anything better — I almost named them “supply-side” and “demand-side” but it evokes too much association with AdTech that it’s even worse).

And indeed, there are already examples of this.

There is a focus on an IDE paradigm of using external programs for building, code completion, and any others sorts of language semantic functionality. Most of MelnormeEclipse infrastructure is UI infrastructure, the core of a concrete IDE’s engine functionality is usually driven by language-specific external programs. (This is not a requirement though — using internal tools is easily supported as well).

  • Atom defines its own API

And so I thought – wouldn’t it be good to standardize on some sort of interaction between the two in a more generic way?

And just as I thought this, I learned that the effort already exists: Language-server protocol by Microsoft.

I actually like it when an idea is validated and someone else is doing the hard work of making an OSS project out of it…

Dbdb – a JPDA-based single-stack debugger for mixed-language programming

Dbdb project is officially up for adoption, because I have no plans for working on it (I am sick of it).

Dbdb is a proof-of-concept of a JPDA-based single-stack debugger for mixed-language programming, done as an Eclipse plugin (but doesn’t have to be). It is based on Java 6 (“Mustang”). The proof-of-concept is allowing a developer to debug Java code that calls a PL/SQL stored procedure. The debugging session in Java proceeds normally, nothing to write home about. When a Statement.execute() (or similar) statement is executed, however, the debugger connects to the Oracle’s VM and shows a combined call stack, from Java down into PL/SQL. (See screenshot). The idea, of course, that it can be done with other combinations, but Java-into-Oracle-stored-proc is a very common scenario.

P.S. This is a rehash of an older post. I am trying to see what Blogger is like vs. LJ (for instance, LJ breaks javablogs feeds).

That’s it, done…

That’s it, done!

Bassem (Max) Jamaleddine

Prof.Madden finally approved the latest version of Dbdb write-up, and so I am all set for my 10+-years-overdue degree. With that, I’ve updated the sourceforge project
with all the latest stuff from my workspace, including the docs on the page, Javadoc, code (and aforementioned docs also) in CVS, etc (even a screenshot).
Dbdb project is officially open for adoption, because I have no plans for working on it (I am sick of it). Fly, baby, fly…

  • I have to see whether Pat and Spencer actually decided to use this one for the IDEA Plugin Contest… There’s still time…
  • Maybe I do want to augment it for use with GWT, so it automagically inserts a debugger; statement as the first
    line any native Javascript method… Just for kicks… Nah, it would be too slow…