Some more random notes

  • Completely agree with @mipsytipsy here:

    I am an extremely literal person, and literally speaking, nobody can be a “full stack” engineer. The idea is a ridiculous one. There’s too much stack! But that’s not what people mean when they say it. They mean, “I’m not just a frontend or backend engineer. I span boundaries.”
  • Yeah, this blog is for bragging.
  • What is it with fillable PDFs on some gov’t websites (I know, I know; that’s a post for a different day) — but they can be sometimes saved but not printable?
  • TFW about 16 years later after your colleague writes an impassioned call to “Tear down that GIL!” (take that, Mr. Gorbachev!), the GIL is finally torn down.
  • I was wondering what the Go team was smoking when they came up with the reference date concept and can I have some of that?
  • What is it that causes Medium to suck so much? Is it all the useless “content creators” writing things pre-GPT that just rephrase stuff from the Internet with nary a value added (“Here’s 10 reasons to learn Python”, and here’s how to write “Hello, world” in C, did you know?)? Is it that now probably thousands more are using generative AI — kinda indistinguishable? Or is it their idiotic subscription model which cannot deal with some logins? (I should really devote time to figure out that one but why — is that platform really worth anything at all?)

The King, the Jedi and the Prodigal Son walk into a bar…

So, earlier I tried to switch to Blogger briefly, because my LiveJournal was messing up javablogs feeds (and I wanted something trackback-like).

But then I missed this tag/label/category functionality thingie, so I had a brief affair with Movable Type, but then, voila — The New Version of Blogger. Good, I don’t have to host the stupid thing then…

Peter Kriens has been working too much: “Today an interesting project proposal drew my attention: Corona. Ok, the name is a bad start. The Apache model of names without a cause is becoming a trend.” Eh? I was with you until the last sentence — but it’s not an Apache model of names without a cause, it’s a model of — aw, geez, there must be a pithier term for it — names for things associated with main product that are in some ways puns on the original name (JavaBeans, Jakarta, etc.) Get it? Sun – Eclipse, Eclipse – Corona? (Things will really get out of hand — with horses! — when a Corona-associated product will be called Dos Equis).