It’s Friday…


How to waste a weekend

I spent half of Friday tracking down a GWT problem that caused problems in both Opera and IE. By trial and error I kind of isolated it to my use of syntactic sugar (yeah, I know…) Then I spent most of Saturday trying to come up with a pithy reproducible case. Here it is
(posted to, reproducing here for my own reference):

Consider the following source (made with -style pretty):

package x.y.z;


public class WastedWeekend extends Label implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {

void foo() {
Button[] stuff = new Button[1];
doNothing(stuff[0] = new Button());

void doNothing(Widget w) {

The foo() function translates into the following:

function _$foo(_this$static){
var _stuff;
_stuff = _initDims('[;', [0],
[5], [1], null);
_$doNothing(_this$static, _stuff[0] = _$Button(new _Button()));


This is all well and good. But now let me change, in foo() the type of “stuff” to Label
(that is, the superclass of WastedWeekend). That is, as follows:

void foo() {
Label[] stuff = new Label[1];
doNothing(stuff[0] = new Label());


Now the translation is:

functionfunction _$foo(_this$static){
var _stuff;
_stuff = _initDims('[;', [0],
[7], [1], null);
_$doNothing(_this$static, _setCheck(_stuff, 0, _$Label(new


Notice the difference? What’s going on?

This is reproducible whenever this sample WastedWeekend class is the same subclass of the same
Widget as the stuff variable.
(I did not go into more details as far as inheritance tree, so I don’t know what happens if they are siblings or something)…

Now, should I spend Sunday trying to actually figure this out?


A propos that meme/urban legend/тема/байка about the space pen and a pencil

I’m using Alexei Sokolov’s version, not the SVG one, but close enough… So, just like commenter Stefan, I was wondering about using text with GWT Canvas. So when Robert Hanson responded that “That is definately on my to-do list, but I don’t have a timeframe for doing it”, I envisioned some weird stuff like sending vector font definitions and rendering them or some such thing…

And then I think, PopupPanels will do… Don’t forget to override onEventPreview() like so:

public boolean onEventPreview(Event event) { return true; }