Some more random notes

  • Completely agree with @mipsytipsy here:

    I am an extremely literal person, and literally speaking, nobody can be a “full stack” engineer. The idea is a ridiculous one. There’s too much stack! But that’s not what people mean when they say it. They mean, “I’m not just a frontend or backend engineer. I span boundaries.”
  • Yeah, this blog is for bragging.
  • What is it with fillable PDFs on some gov’t websites (I know, I know; that’s a post for a different day) — but they can be sometimes saved but not printable?
  • TFW about 16 years later after your colleague writes an impassioned call to “Tear down that GIL!” (take that, Mr. Gorbachev!), the GIL is finally torn down.
  • I was wondering what the Go team was smoking when they came up with the reference date concept and can I have some of that?
  • What is it that causes Medium to suck so much? Is it all the useless “content creators” writing things pre-GPT that just rephrase stuff from the Internet with nary a value added (“Here’s 10 reasons to learn Python”, and here’s how to write “Hello, world” in C, did you know?)? Is it that now probably thousands more are using generative AI — kinda indistinguishable? Or is it their idiotic subscription model which cannot deal with some logins? (I should really devote time to figure out that one but why — is that platform really worth anything at all?)

Adventures with Golang dependency injection

Just some notes as I am learning this… There aren’t good answers here, mostly questions (am I doing it right?). All these examples are a part of (not very well) organized GitHub repo here.

Structure injection

Having once hated the magic of Spring’s DI, I’ve grown cautiously accustomed to the whole @Autowired stuff. When it comes to Go, I’ve come across Uber’s Fx framework which looks great, but I haven’t been able to figure out just how to automagically inject fields whose values are being Provided into other structs.

An attempt to ask our overlords yielded something not very clear.

I finally broke down and asked a stupid question. Then I found the answer — do not use constructors, just use fx.In in combination with fx.Populate(). Finally this works. But doesn’t seem ideal in all cases…

Avoiding boilerplate duplication

This is all well and good, but not always. For example, consider this example in addition to the above:

package dependencies

import ""

type Foo string

type Bar string

type Baz string

type DependenciesType struct {

	Foo Foo
	Bar Bar
	Baz Baz

func NewFoo() Foo {
	return "foo"

func NewBar() Bar {
	return "bar"

func NewBaz() Baz {
	return "baz"

var Dependencies DependenciesType

var DependenciesModule = fx.Options(

If I try to use it as dependencies.Dependencies, it’s ok (as above). But if I rather want to get rid of this var, and rather use constructors. But I don’t like the proliferation of parameters into constructors. I can use Parameter objects but I’d like to avoid the boilerplate of copying fields from the Parameter object into the struct being returned, so I’d like to use reflection like so (generics are nice):

package utils

import "reflect"

func Construct[P any, T any, PT interface{ *T }](params interface{}) PT {
	p := PT(new(T))
	construct0(params, p)
	return p

func construct0(params interface{}, retval interface{}) {
	// Check if retval is a pointer
	rv := reflect.ValueOf(retval)
	if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		panic("retval is not a pointer")

	// Dereference the pointer to get the underlying value
	rv = rv.Elem()

	// Check if the dereferenced value is a struct
	if rv.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		panic("retval is not a pointer to a struct")

	// Now, get the value of params
	rp := reflect.ValueOf(params)
	if rp.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		panic("params is not a struct")

	// Iterate over the fields of params and copy to retval
	for i := 0; i < rp.NumField(); i++ {
		name := rp.Type().Field(i).Name
		field, ok := rv.Type().FieldByName(name)
		if ok && field.Type == rp.Field(i).Type() {


So then I can use it as follows:

package dependencies

import (

type Foo *string

type Bar *string

type Baz *string

type DependenciesType struct {
	Foo Foo
	Bar Bar
	Baz Baz

type DependenciesParams struct {
	Foo Foo
	Bar Bar
	Baz Baz

func NewFoo() Foo {
	s := "foo"
	return &s

func NewBar() Bar {
	s := "bar"
	return &s

func NewBaz() Baz {
	s := "foo"
	return &s

func NewDependencies(params DependenciesParams) *DependenciesType {
	retval := utils.Construct[DependenciesParams, DependenciesType](params)
	return retval

var DependenciesModule = fx.Module("dependencies",


But while this takes care of proliferating parameters in the constructor as well as the boilerplate step of copying, I still cannot avoid duplicating the fields between DependenciesType and DependenciesParams, running into various problems.

Looks like this is still TBD on the library side; I’ll see if I can get further.

Conditional Provide

When using constructors, I would have a construct such as:

type X struct {
   field *FieldType

func NewX() *X {
   x := &X{}
   if os.Getenv("FOO") == "BAR" {
     x.field = NewFieldType(...)

In other words, I wanted field to only be initialized if some environment variable is set. In transitioning from using constructors to fx.Provide(), I wanted to keep the same functionality, so I came up with this:

type XType struct {

   field *FieldType `optional:"true"`

var X XType

func NewX() *X {
   x := &X{}
   if os.Getenv("FOO") == "BAR" {
     x.field = NewFieldType(...)

var XModule = fx.Module("x",
	func() fx.Option {
		if os.Getenv("FOO") == "BAR" {
			return fx.Options(
		return fx.Options()

Works fine. But is it the right way?

Random notes for January 2023

Not enough for any singular entry, but enough to write a bunch of annoyed points. Because I hate Twitter threads and this is the reverse: unconnected entries jammed together.

  • GoLang: Looks like the answers to my questions are nicely written up here.
  • Technology and Society: Ok, I promise I’ll get to geekery here. So, PeopleCDC folks seem upset about the New Yorker article. But now, I am surprised — and maybe it is an oversight — at the lack of inclusion of IT people in the form. Artists, yeah, to carry the message — but if the goal is to slow the spread, why no consideration given to automation of various things (look at how pathetic most government websites are for things that are routine).

    Not expecting to hear back, really.
  • Google Ads and API Management: Every time you think you get used to all the various entities in Google Ads, you realize there’s of course a sunsetting of UA … Of course! Of course this is where I pause and let Steve Yegge on with his rant:


    Fuck yooooouuuuuuuu. Fuck you, fuck you, Fuck You. Drop whatever you are doing because it’s not important. What is important is OUR time. It’s costing us time and money to support our shit, and we’re tired of it, so we’re not going to support it anymore. So drop your fucking plans and go start digging through our shitty documentation, begging for scraps on forums, and oh by the way, our new shit is COMPLETELY different from the old shit, because well, we fucked that design up pretty bad, heh, but hey, that’s YOUR problem, not our problem.

    We remain committed as always to ensuring everything you write will be unusable within 1 year.

  • API Management, ListHub: First, I learned there’s a standards body Unsure what I’m making of it (I mean, I suppose I’ve gotten good results from IAB, and standardization of FinOps is somewhat ongoing, so, er, maybe not all bureaucracy is an awful horrible crap.

    But that’s kind of a side note.

Refreshing Golang

Goroutines — I feel dumb

Doing a Golang refresher. Realize I still do not understand how exactly a new thread is spun when a syscall happens, or what happens to M and P when we are waiting on a channel? What does it mean that “Every M must be able to execute any runnable G” — that is, what does the word “execute” mean here? This document says so below again: “When an M is willing to start executing Go code, it must pop a P form the list. When an M ends executing Go code, it pushes the P to the list.” What is “ends executing”?

Similarly here, what does it mean “M will skip the G”? How does it “skip it” if thread M is running G’s instructions now? Doesn’t it block with the blocking G? What am I missing?

OK, so let’s say in case of I/O, it’s due to netpoller magic:

Whenever you open or accept a connection in Go, the file descriptor that backs it is set to non-blocking mode. This means that if you try to do I/O on it and the file descriptor isn’t ready, it will return an error code saying so. Whenever a goroutine tries to read or write to a connection, the networking code will do the operation until it receives such an error, then call into the netpoller, telling it to notify the goroutine when it is ready to perform I/O again. The goroutine is then scheduled out of the thread it’s running on and another goroutine is run in its place.

When the netpoller receives notification from the OS that it can perform I/O on a file descriptor, it will look through its internal data structure, see if there are any goroutines that are blocked on that file and notify them if there are any. The goroutine can then retry the I/O operation that caused it to block and succeed in doing so.

But still unclear — is it netpoller itself that schedules G out of M? How does M stop running G and starts running some other G’? And what about blocking on a channel operation?

Per this post, this “scheduling out” is done by runtime:

When M executes a certain G, if a syscall or other blocking operations occur, M will block. If there are some Gs currently executing, the runtime will remove the thread M from P, and then create a new thread.

In Go: Goroutine, OS Thread and CPU Management, Vincent describes this as

Go optimizes the system calls — whatever it is blocking or not — by wrapping them up in the runtime. This wrapper will automatically dissociate the P from the thread M and allow another thread to run on it.

The “wrapper” seems to be the netpoller (see above). Ok, I suppose all of this connects, in a somewhat handwavy enough wave, that I’m almost satisfied. I feel like it’s just a couple of dots that are unconnected though, still… I suppose we can stipulate syscalls, but how are channel blocks handled? Is the same mechanism done but via channels, rather than the netpoller in that case?

Some good deeper-than-usual resources

Some refresher examples for myself

As I was refreshing my Golang, I made a bunch of snippets as a kind of study cards. Nothing sophisticated here, just basics. Yesh, it’s like Go By Example, but writing them myself is better for remembering. (Kinda like lecture notes, except, well, you can’t do these with pen and paper…)

Today’s yak shaving

So I wanted to catch up on Go. I like my IDEs, so I got my Go 1.19.2, my GoClipse 0.16.1, and off to remember how to ride this bicycle again. Or rather ride this yak, because…

I like IDEs mostly for two things: interactive, graphical debugging (for that see the P.S. section) and content assist. And we have a problem:
The solution seems to be to install a fork of gocode. Ok, I got content assist now. On to trying the next sine qua non of IDE, interactive debugger. Wait… There’s no GDB on M1? Yikes.

For debugger, sure, I could use LLDB, as suggested, or, even better, Delve, but I want it in the IDE (how many times do I have to say that, in 2022?) A few GUI frontends exist, but I am partial to Eclipse platform (I can be as picky with my tools as any tradesman).

Is it time to dust off Kabuta, an abandoned attempt to adapt Delve API to GDB/MI interface that GoClipse speaks? Ok why not, let’s go get that sucker… Done.

But how do I get it into GoClipse? A StackOverflow post suggests it is done via “New Project wizard”, but not so fast, Mr. Yak Jockey:
Ok, let’s hack around it but first let’s file an issue on GoClipse… Wait, say it ain’t so… GoClipse is no longer maintained? My world collapses. To Bruno’s point that:

I’ve seen the issues Eclipse has, both external (functionality, UI design, bugs), and internal (code debt, shortage of manpower). I was holding on to the hope it would recover, but now I don’t see much of a future for Eclipse other than a legacy existence, and I realize exiting was long overdue.

I just a few months ago got fed up with how much of a torture it is to step through the code in IDEA (and no waving of dead chickens seems to help) and went back to Eclipse for Java.
Do I fork GoClipse?
P.S. The workaround for the import is to use default ~/go as GOPATH. In other words, using /Users/gregory/src/ worked fine:

Swagger as you Go

As someone who offers a REST API, we at Romana project wanted to provide documentation on it via Swagger. But writing out JSON files by hand seemed not just tedious (and thus error-prone), but also likely to result in an outdated documentation down the road.

Why not automate this process, sort of like godoc? Here I walk you through an initial attempt at doing that — a Go program that takes as input Go-based REST service code and outputs Swagger YAML files.

It is not yet available as a separate project, so I will go over the code in the main Romana code base.

NOTE: This approach assumes the services are based on the Romana-specific REST layer on top of Negroni and Gorilla MUX. But a similar approach can be taken without Romana-specific code — or Romana approach can be adopted.

The entry point of the doc tool for generating the Swagger docs is in doc.go.

The first step is to run Analyzer on the entire repository. The Analyzer:

  1. Walks through all directories and tries to import each one (using Import()). If import is unsuccessful, skip this step. If successful, it is a package.
  2. For each *.go and *.cgo file in the package, parse the file into its AST
  3. Using the above, compute docs and collect godocs for all methods

The next step is to run the Swaggerer — the Swagger YAML generator.

At the moment we have 6 REST services to generate documentation for. For now, I’ll explicitly name them in main code. This is the only hardcoded/non-introspectable part here.

From here we, for each service, Initialize Swaggerer and call its Process() method, which will, in turn, call the main workhorse, the getPaths() method, which will, for each Route:

  1. Get its Method and Pattern — e.g., “POST /addresses”
  2. Get the Godoc string of the Handler (from the Godocs we collected in the previous step)
  3. Figure out documentation for the body, if any. For that, we use reflection on the MakeMessage field — the mechanism we used for sort-of-strong-dynamic typing when consuming data, as seen in a prior installment on this topic.

This is pretty much it.

As an example, here is Swagger YAML for the Policy service.

See also

Building on Gorilla Mux and Negroni

The combination of Negroni and Gorilla MUX is a useful combination for buildng REST applications. However, there are some features I felt were necessary to be built on top. This has not been made into a separate project, and in fact I doubt that it needs to — the world doesn’t need more “frameworks” to add to the paralysis of choice. I think it would be better, instead, to go over some of these that may be of use, so I’ll do that here and in further blog entries.

This was borne out of some real cases at Romana; here I’ll show examples of some of these features in a real project.


At the core of it all is a Service interface, representing a REST service. It has an Initialize() method that would initialize a Negroni, add some middleware (we will see below) and set up Gorilla Mux Router using its Routes. Overall this part is a very thin layer on top of Negroni and Gorilla and can be easily seen from the above-linked source files. But there are some nice little features worth explaining in detail below.

In the below, we assume that the notions of Gorilla’s Routes and Handlers are understood.

Sort-of-strong-dynamic typing when consuming data

While we have to define our route handlers as taking interface{} as input, nonetheless, it would be nice if the handler received a struct it expects so it can cast it to the proper one and proceed, instead of each handler parsing the provided JSON payload.

To that end, we introduce a MakeMessage field in Route. As its godoc says, “This should return a POINTER to an instance which this route expects as an input”, but let’s illustrate what it means if it is confusing.

Let us consider a route handling an IP allocation request. The input it needs is an IPAMAddressRequest, and so we set its MakeMessage field to a function returning that, as in

func() interface{} {
    return &api.IPAMAddressRequest{}

Looks convoluted, right? But here is what happens:

The handlers of routes are not called directly, they are wrapped by wrapHandler() method, which will:

  1. Call the above func() to create the pointer to IPAMAddressRequest
  2. Use the unmarshaller (based on Content-Type) to unmarshal the body of the request into the above struct pointer.


Rapid prototyping with hooks

Sometimes we prototype features outside of the Go-bases server — as we may be calling out to various CLI utilities (iptables, kubectl, etc), it is easier to first ensure the calls work as CLI or shell scripts, and iterate there. But for some demonstration/QA purposes we still would like to have this functionality available via a REST call to the main Romana service. Enter the hooks functionality.

A Route can specify a Hook field, which is a structure that defines:

  • Which executable to run
  • Whether to run it before or after the Route‘s Handler (When field)
  • Optionally, a field where the hook’s output will be written (which can then be examined by the Handler if the When field is “before”). If not specified, the output will just be logged.

Hooks are specified in the Romana config, and are set up during service initialization (this is in keeping with the idea that no Go code needs to be modified for this prototyping exercise).

Then during a request, they are executed by the wrapHandler() method (it has been described above).

That’s it! And it allows for doing some work outside the server to et it right, and only then bother about adding the functionality into the server’s code.

If this doesn’t seem like that much, wait for further installments. There are several more useful features to come. This just sets the stage.


A major feature of the Romana Project is topology-aware IPAM, and an integral part of it is the ability to assign consecutive IP addresses in a block (and reuse freed up addresses, starting with the minimal).

Since IPv4 addresses are essentially 32-bit uint, the problem is basically that of maintaining a sequence of uints, while allowing reuse.

To that end, a data structure called IDRing was developed. I’ll describe it here. It is not yet factored out into a separate project, but as Romana is under Apache 2.0 license, it can still be reused.

  • The IDRing structure is constructed with a NewIDRing() method, that provides the lower and upper bound (inclusive) of the interval from which to give out IDs. For example, specifying 5 and 10 will allow one to generate IDs 5,6,7,8,9,10 and then return errors because the interval is exhausted. 

    Optionally, a locker can be provided to ensure that all operations on the structure are synchronized. If nil is specified, then synchronization is the responsibility of the user.

  • To get a new ID, call GetID() method. The new ID is guaranteed to be the smallest available.
  • When an ID is no longer needed (in our use case — when an IP is deallocated), call ReclaimID().
  • A useful method is Invert(): it returns an IDRing whose available IDs are the ones that are allocated in the current one, and whose allocated ones are the available ones in the current one. In other words, a reverse of an IDRing with min 1, max 10 and taken IDs from 4 to 8 inclusively is an IDRing with the following
    available ranges: [1,3], [9,10].
  • You can see examples of the usage in the test code and in actual IP allocation logic.
  • Persisting it is as easy as using the locker correctly and just encoding the structure to/decoding it from JSON.

Kabuta: GoClipse meets Delve

I am addicted to having good development tools, specifically, I like my debuggers visual. Once I was so annoyed by inability to debug a common use case of calling a PL/SQL stored procedure from Java, I made it into a single-stack cross-language debugger project, for example.

And I’m also a fan of Eclipse (well, see above).

So when Romana went with Go (pun definitely intended) as our language of choice, I quickly found GoClipse, and it was nice.

But then I learned about Delve and I wanted to have the best of both worlds — the functionality of Delve and the graphics of GoClipse.

So here’s an idea… Eclipse (from which GoClipse is, obviously, derived) understands GDB/MI, and can represent it visually. So all that remains is to adapt Delve’s API to GDB/MI.

And so I started it as a Kabuta project. Let’s hope I don’t abandon it…