Kabuta: GoClipse meets Delve

I am addicted to having good development tools, specifically, I like my debuggers visual. Once I was so annoyed by inability to debug a common use case of calling a PL/SQL stored procedure from Java, I made it into a single-stack cross-language debugger project, for example.

And I’m also a fan of Eclipse (well, see above).

So when Romana went with Go (pun definitely intended) as our language of choice, I quickly found GoClipse, and it was nice.

But then I learned about Delve and I wanted to have the best of both worlds — the functionality of Delve and the graphics of GoClipse.

So here’s an idea… Eclipse (from which GoClipse is, obviously, derived) understands GDB/MI, and can represent it visually. So all that remains is to adapt Delve’s API to GDB/MI.

And so I started it as a Kabuta project. Let’s hope I don’t abandon it…

Content assist

It looks like you are researching razors. I think you are about to go off on a yak-shaving endeavor, and I cannot let you do that, Dave.

What I would really like my DWIM
agent to do. That, and to stop calling me Dave.

Being lazy and impatient, I like an idea of an IDE. The ease of things like autocompletion, refactoring, code search, and graphical debugging with evaluation are, for the lack of a better word, are good.

I like Eclipse in particular — force of habit/finger memory; after all, neurons that pray together stay together. Just like all happy families are alike, all emacs users remember the key sequence to GTFO vi (:q!) and all vi users remember the same thing for emacs (C-x C-c n) – so they can get into their favorite editor and not have to “remember”.

So, recently I thought that it would be good for a a particular DSL I am using to have an auto-completion feature (because why should I remember ). So I thought, great, I’ll maybe write an Eclipse plugin for that… Because, hey, I’ve made one before, how bad could it be?

Well, obviously I would only be solving the problem for Eclipse users of the DSL in question. And I have a suspicion I am pretty much the only one in that group. Moreover, even I would like to use some other text editor occasionally, and get the same benefit.

It seems obvious that it should be a separation of concerns, so to speak:

  • Provider-side: A language/platform may expose a service for context-based auto-completion, and
  • Consumer-side: An editor or shell may have a plugin system exposed to take advantage of this.

Then a little gluing is all that is required. (OK, I don’t like the “provider/consumer” terminology, but I cannot come up with anything better — I almost named them “supply-side” and “demand-side” but it evokes too much association with AdTech that it’s even worse).

And indeed, there are already examples of this.

There is a focus on an IDE paradigm of using external programs for building, code completion, and any others sorts of language semantic functionality. Most of MelnormeEclipse infrastructure is UI infrastructure, the core of a concrete IDE’s engine functionality is usually driven by language-specific external programs. (This is not a requirement though — using internal tools is easily supported as well).

  • Atom defines its own API

And so I thought – wouldn’t it be good to standardize on some sort of interaction between the two in a more generic way?

And just as I thought this, I learned that the effort already exists: Language-server protocol by Microsoft.

I actually like it when an idea is validated and someone else is doing the hard work of making an OSS project out of it…

Poor Man’s Tracepoints and a call sequence of a C program

My C is quite rusty, so to help me figure out the flow of a program, I thought I’d do with gdb what Tony Loton did with JPDA. Quickly giving myself a refresher on gdb, I thought tracepoints are the easiest way to go. Except that they are available only for
remote targets, and

  1. There’s no gdbserver on my host platform (Cygwin)
  2. The target platform does have it (good news!), but it doesn’t support tracepoints (and some say, that few if any stubs even support it

So I wrote a silly Perl script to read ctags information, create breakpoints on every function entry, print the arguments and resume. I haven’t bothered to figure out where to use pure MI vs. CLI commands, and in general I have no clue…

Now, what I think would be interesting is making this an add-on, using CDT (or, more generically, via Eclipse Debug Framework) and GEF… I envision something like a call graph (with exclusions of course, because it will become too big), which grows as you step through, displaying arguments. Could be a quick way to get a picture of how a program works before just reading the code and keeping stuff in your head…

In related news, upgrading to Eclipse 3.2.2 I lost the “Remote debugging” launch configuration. (Ironically, the reason for the attempted upgrade was to see whether a bug with hardcoded remote port has been fixed (it appeared that it’s always 4305, no matter what you put in; while the default one is 1234, which is the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage.). Which brings me to the “Zero information content” of various blogs/articles out there (which this blog is trying not to be). Thank you, Bill Graham, for pointing out that “the ‘vanilla’ CDT from http://www.eclipse.org […] doesn’t support remote target debugging”, thus leading me in my Google search to your article which doesn’t tell me how to fix it, nor does it tell me much of anything… There, I vented. (The answer, BTW, is to get Target Management, who knew…)

The King, the Jedi and the Prodigal Son walk into a bar…

So, earlier I tried to switch to Blogger briefly, because my LiveJournal was messing up javablogs feeds (and I wanted something trackback-like).

But then I missed this tag/label/category functionality thingie, so I had a brief affair with Movable Type, but then, voila — The New Version of Blogger. Good, I don’t have to host the stupid thing then…

Peter Kriens has been working too much: “Today an interesting project proposal drew my attention: Corona. Ok, the name is a bad start. The Apache model of names without a cause is becoming a trend.” Eh? I was with you until the last sentence — but it’s not an Apache model of names without a cause, it’s a model of — aw, geez, there must be a pithier term for it — names for things associated with main product that are in some ways puns on the original name (JavaBeans, Jakarta, etc.) Get it? Sun – Eclipse, Eclipse – Corona? (Things will really get out of hand — with horses! — when a Corona-associated product will be called Dos Equis).

Dbdb – a JPDA-based single-stack debugger for mixed-language programming

Dbdb project is officially up for adoption, because I have no plans for working on it (I am sick of it).

Dbdb is a proof-of-concept of a JPDA-based single-stack debugger for mixed-language programming, done as an Eclipse plugin (but doesn’t have to be). It is based on Java 6 (“Mustang”). The proof-of-concept is allowing a developer to debug Java code that calls a PL/SQL stored procedure. The debugging session in Java proceeds normally, nothing to write home about. When a Statement.execute() (or similar) statement is executed, however, the debugger connects to the Oracle’s VM and shows a combined call stack, from Java down into PL/SQL. (See screenshot). The idea, of course, that it can be done with other combinations, but Java-into-Oracle-stored-proc is a very common scenario.

P.S. This is a rehash of an older post. I am trying to see what Blogger is like vs. LJ (for instance, LJ breaks javablogs feeds).

That’s it, done…

That’s it, done!

Bassem (Max) Jamaleddine

Prof.Madden finally approved the latest version of Dbdb write-up, and so I am all set for my 10+-years-overdue degree. With that, I’ve updated the sourceforge project
with all the latest stuff from my workspace, including the docs on the page, Javadoc, code (and aforementioned docs also) in CVS, etc (even a screenshot).
Dbdb project is officially open for adoption, because I have no plans for working on it (I am sick of it). Fly, baby, fly…

  • I have to see whether Pat and Spencer actually decided to use this one for the IDEA Plugin Contest… There’s still time…
  • Maybe I do want to augment it for use with GWT, so it automagically inserts a debugger; statement as the first
    line any native Javascript method… Just for kicks… Nah, it would be too slow…

Evaluating expressions in PyDev (Eclipse plug-in for Python)

I use PyDev because, probably like many, I am used to Eclipse for Java development. What I found useful is highlighting a snippet (expression) in a debug session and doing Ctrl+Shift+D to evaluate it, and  I miss this in PyDev. A crude workaround  is to add this expression to Watch list, but that grows the Watch list and is not convenient: I not only have to do right-click Watch and then look in the Watch list, but also may need to scroll that list, and remove things, etc. That’s not what I am used to. So I threw together a crude implementation of it.

The change is in the org.python.pydev.debug project:

  1. Added
    EvalExpressionAction class to org.python.pydev.debug.ui.actions package.
  2. Changed the plugin.xml
    thus includes two additional bundles in Require-Bundle: field: org.eclipse.core.expressions and org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui. (Well, the second one is only for the second keystroke – “persisting” the value in the Display view, and only because I was lazy at this point. But also, since this thing relies on other org.eclipse.jdt stuff, I figured it’s not a big deal).

    Another problem here is that I couldn’t figure out how to do Ctrl+Shift+D the second time for persisting; so Ctrl+Shift+D works to display in a popup, and Ctrl+Shift+S does the persisting. (The choice of “S” is since when I press Ctrl+Shift+D my index finger is on D and so it’s easy and fast to use the middle finger to press S immediately :). But that still is close to what I am used to blindly press. People get used to all sorts of weird keystrokes and go out of their way to reproduce them in their new environment, just witness viPlugin for  Eclipse.

Of course, as I went to announce this on the list, I saw that PyDev already has a slightly different mechanism for that. O well, at least this way still saves me some keystrokes and I learned that the Console view is also a Python shell. (That’s cause I never RTFM)… But at least I was not the only one

So anyway, this seems to work in my environment; just unzip into the Eclipse folder – and do so at your own risk…



    1. A “Debugging Eliza” idea from BOBHYTAPb

      Here is a bomb of an idea: A Debugging Eliza.

      After a long and fruitless session of debugging a programmer reaches a certain dead end, where he has already glossed over the problem, has not found it, but noted subconsciously that that venue has been checked – or simply didn’t think about it. At this point he needs to talk to someone about this problem – a sort of a psychiatrist, which doesn’t even have to be human – it could be a slightly tweaked version of Eliza.

      “What are you doing?”

      “I am debugging Blah-Blah Industrial Application.”

      “What was the last thing you tried?”

      “I checked that the configuration file corresponds to the Blah-Blah…”

      “And how is the Blah-Blah?”

      “It’s perfectly fine.”

      “And how does that make you feel?”

      “It means the problem is somewhere else.”

      “Where else could it be?”


      Obviously, this is where a lot of problems are found — when you are asking someone for help, and in the process of explaining the problem realize your error.

  • Eclipse, for all its cool pluggable architecture, lacks a basic thing — macros, which should be easy given the above. That is, a way to record (or write by hand, fine) a series of steps to instruct the Eclipse workbench to do something, and then play it back. Where’s AppleScript  when you need it?

    For example, instead of creating a walkthrough. Yes, part of the pain in this particular case can be solved by, for example, checking in dot-files into the source control, and then telling everyone to “Import existing projects into a workspace” after checking out the tree. But I can’t do that — there are dot-files of a “competing” approach checked into the repository, which suit some of us fine, but lack the things others want. but that’s in this particular example, and I cannot come up with another case right now, but trust me, they exist.



What’s going on here?

Consider the following code:

MethodEntryEvent evt;
ObjectReference con;

Class evtClass = evt.getClass();
System.out.println("Class of evt: " + evtClass);
System.out.println("Methods of evt: " +
try {
  Value v = evt.returnValue();
} catch (Throwable ex) {

try {
  java.lang.reflect.Method retvalMethod =
          evtClass.getMethod("returnValue", null);
  con = (ObjectReference)retvalMethod.invoke(evt, (Object[])null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
System.out.println("Returned: " + con);

When running, this code prints the following:

 Class of evt: class com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$MethodExitEventImpl Methods of evt: [ public com.sun.jdi.Value com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$MethodExitEventImpl.returnValue(),  public java.lang.String com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$LocatableEventImpl.toString(),  public com.sun.jdi.Method com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$LocatableEventImpl.method(),  public com.sun.jdi.Location com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$LocatableEventImpl.location(),  public com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$ThreadedEventImpl.thread(),  public int com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$EventImpl.hashCode(),  public boolean com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$EventImpl.equals(java.lang.Object),  public com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$EventImpl.request(), public com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine com.sun.tools.jdi.MirrorImpl.virtualMachine(),  public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass(),  public final void java.lang.Object.wait(long,int) throws java.lang.InterruptedException,  public final void java.lang.Object.wait() throws java.lang.InterruptedException,  public final native void java.lang.Object.wait(long) throws java.lang.InterruptedException,  public final native void java.lang.Object.notify(),  public final native void java.lang.Object.notifyAll()] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jdi.event.MethodExitEvent.returnValue()Lcom/sun/jdi/Value; at org.hrum.dbdb.DriverManagerMethodExitEventListener.process(DriverManagerMethodExitEventListener.java:99) at org.hrum.dbdb.DbdbEventQueue.removeDebug(DbdbEventQueue.java:168) at org.hrum.dbdb.DbdbEventQueue.remove(DbdbEventQueue.java:47) at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.EventDispatcher.run(EventDispatcher.java:226) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Returned: instance of oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection(id=435)(class com.sun.tools.jdi.ObjectReferenceImpl) 

Now, I will run this in debug mode and set a breakpoint at the red line above. When the breakpoint is hit, evaluation of evt.returnValue() returns an instance of com.sun.tools.jdi.ObjectReferenceImpl. However, when the execution is resumed, the result is as above (that is, evt.returnValue() results in a NoSuchMethodError).

Further, if we remove the green line (retvalMethod.setAccessible(true);), we will get an IllegalAccessException on the invocation:

Class org.hrum.dbdb.DriverManagerMethodExitEventListener can not access a member of class com.sun.tools.jdi.EventSetImpl$MethodExitEventImpl with modifiers “public”

What is going on?

I’d say it’s left as an exercise for the reader, but honestly, at the moment, I don’t feel like looking for an answer at all. I will perhaps let Bob and Dr. Heinz Max Kabutz (did I mention how much I enjoy referring to Dr.Heinz Max Kabutz?) to do the detective work…

ENVIRONMENT: This code is part of a plug-in project I am running in Eclipse 3.2RC3, with Mustang.

BOOK REVIEW: “Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins”

I suppose this is more of a praise of Eclipse plug-in architecture and available documentation than a review of the book per se, but I did not get from Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins anything I could not by scanning online docs and playing with Eclipse myself. I was up and running with my plug-in project in a very short time without opening this book, and once I did, I did not find anything I have not already learned or known where to turn for more info…

It may be easy to say that many such books are just a rehash of the wealth of online information already freely available, but sometimes the books do have added value, say, by presenting the material for faster learning and/or reference. In this case, there can be no such added advantage – again, because the Eclipse project’s own design and documentation is very clear and thorough…

I realized all that before getting the book; in buying it, I was looking for another advantage – hidden tips and tricks, kind of like Covert Java. For example, how do I debug a plug-in project that depends on a non-plugin one?

No such luck.

I’ll be returning this book to the store now, and maybe trying to see if Contributing to Eclipse: Principles, Patterns, and Plugins is closer to what I want…