Rethinking data gravity

At some point I remember having a short chat with Werner Voegels about taking spot instances to extreme in a genuine market in which compute power can be traded. His response was “what about data gravity?” to which my counter was — but by making data transfer into S3 free (and, later, making true the adage about not underestimating the bandwidth of a truck full of tape) you, while understanding the gravity idea, also provide incentives to not make it an issue. As in — why don’t I make things redundant? Why don’t I just push data to multiple S3 regions and have my compute follow the sun in terms of cost? Sure, it doesn’t work on huge scale, but it just may work perfectly fine on some medium scale, and this is what we’ve used for implementing our DMP at OpenDSP.

Later on, I sort of dabbled in something in the arbitrage of cost space. I still think compute cost arbitrage will be a thing; 6fusion did some interesting work there; ClusterK got acquired by Amazon for their ability to save cost even when running heavy data-gravity workload such as EMR, and ultimately isn’t compute arbitrage just an arbitrage of electricity? But I digress. Or do I? Oh yes.

In a way, this is not really anything new — it is just another way to surface the same idea as Hadoop.

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